Rasta singing Song about Children

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Childhood is more a cultural, social concept as a biological. In a narrower sense the childhood follows the infancy (2nd and 3rd year) and is divided into the early childhood (4th-6th year of life), the middle childhood (7th-10th year of life) and late childhood (11.-14th years). After the childhood phase of adolescence, which follows adolescence.

Concepts of general education of the children come first on the Greek and Roman antiquity – at least as far as to give up traditional sources. A particularly dramatic and repellent from today’s perspective example is the Greek city-state Sparta. The prevailing warrior caste had an interest to consult hardened fighters. The principles of this Spartan education is the legendary lawgiver Lycurgus have laid. Accordingly, the most powerful men and women were selected to jointly witness offspring. An elderly man was allowed to give his younger wife and another man and then recognize the child as his own.

Many aspects of the Greek education can also be found in ancient Rome again. The Romans brought after the conquest of Greece numerous Greek teachers for their children into the house and sent the youth to Greek schools. So many aspects of the Greek family life in Rome find. Rights had only the paterfamilias, the male head of the family. He let himself bring the newborn after birth, deciding whether he accepted it as his child or not. Exclusion criteria were not only physical deformities, but also purely practical considerations: Could the father can afford to take a girl, for whose marriage a dowry was to be paid later? Child suspensions were also a simple means of birth control just in poor families. The outlying places where unwanted children were exposed to were generally known. Childless women were able to take unwanted babies per se. Orphans who were less fortunate, were taken up by entrepreneurs as cheap labor. Even brothels found there offspring. Even the founder of the Roman state were – according to legend -. Orphans Romulus and Remus were exposed and of a she-wolf suckled.

The father had taken a child, they hanged him the bulla, an amulet to which should protect it from damage. The infant mortality rate was high. This pushed the average age. Who survived the age of five, but had great opportunities, 60 years and older. To compensate for the high child mortality large families with six or seven children were common. As in Greece, nurses were also popular in Rome. They came mostly from the slave state and cared even more about the child, if it could not get the chest. For diet of infants can put on goat’s milk. Corporal punishment was common. 374 for the first time a law was passed banning infanticide. This new idea found in the following decades, however, received little attention.

The right over the children had the father. He had to take care of its young, even though he had sprung from an illegitimate relationship. So it was not uncommon, especially in towns that lived in the household a number of children that the father had fathered with various women. Unmarried mothers were the father of her child even in front of a church court alimony sue. In the 15th century it was especially in the French nobility even as chic, many bastards to testify. This could certainly get prominent positions in church and military. Illegitimate children were, however, always the preference. Nevertheless, there were in the Middle Ages orphanages who received those children who did not find a connection.

Childhood is marked in many cultures through the acquisition of freedom and learning, where children’s rights are expanded to protection, education and development of their personality. In the childhood research itself is increasingly considered by that children no longer just “people in development” are but “people in its own right”. Development will be rejected as a metaphor of paternalism, because through them would be reduced to a childhood state of transition to adulthood. The subjective needs, desires and interests of the child are highlighted.

UNICEF did study on the situation of children in 21 industrialized countries. At best, the situation was in the Netherlands.

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